Movie Blogs that cover Pop Culture and Movies

Enjoy our journey as we browse through this curated selection of review of films that are designed to inspire and entertain while also fostering a greater appreciation for art as well as generating conversations that go beyond the (scifi movies links) screen, eventually, leading to the discovery more new films.Cinematic ChroniclesDay ShiftLive & Wi

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Soldier Movie Review

Original upload, viewable worldwide but audio was messed with by YouTube. The 1998 action movie starring Kurt Russel, Soldier quickly gained and maintained the animosity of critics worldwide. Decker Shado takes a look at this widely hated movie to see if it truly is (blog post) one of the most detestable films ever created, or if there is more th

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I believe the most terrible films of all time are those that are so horrible that they can be funny. Troll 2, Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Room and The Room are just a few examples. These movies Decker Shado are actually quite entertaining to watch. It is impossible to not laugh at the absurd plotlines, the woody acting, and overall cheesiness. If

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Monster Island (2019) [Decker Shado]

Monster Island is The Asylum’s 2019 mockbuster. It was strangely released around the exact same time that Godzilla King of the Monsters. The film is about Monster Island and where a Monster Island monster may be found. The monster can also be found on Monster Island. Because it is a film about asylums, it has a budget that is comparable

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